Rick Mercer Rants Come to Hong Kong


December 5, 2017

There are days I love being a teacher, and today was one of them!  A very talented Grade 9 student was asked, as a Geography assignment, to do a Rick Mercer-style rant on a topic related to world population issues.  She chose Gender Inequality and, after researching the topic as it specifically related to China and Sweden, created her rant.

In order to mimic Rick Mercer's style, she began by taping her rant on her iPhone.  She then created her video using Filmora, and subsequently, exported it as a MP4.  The MP4 was put it in MovieMaker in order to edit the material, and Audacity was used to voice over the video feed.  The result was impressive and inspiring!

This is a perfect example of how providing students with technology and access to a multitude of softwares can empower them.  Despite the many drawbacks of the multimedia world in which they live, if utilized properly, the medium can be utilized in a way which allows young people to express themselves as never before.  

This video was reproduced with the written consent of the student featured.

Elizabeth Leeson