AR & VR Resources


Fantastic for virtual field trips!  In this particular video, students really experienced a refugees' reality and saw things through their perspective.  Students said they found the videos engaging and informative.  However, some students complained that the videos made them dizzy and it was difficult to scroll around in the video.  I'm curious to see if the experience would be different with 3D glasses.


SimCity is a very cool video game, but it is also very good for creating sustainable communities in Geography class.  Students can see the actual dimensions of the buildings or structures that they want to put in their community.  SimCity prompts the students by giving them negative and positive feedback on how the population will react to the changes.  This game only works as a Geography project if you have students who have been playing for awhile.  If they have not been playing the game for awhile, they will only be able to construct a small community and build simple things.  For example, they can't build wind or solar stations without a higher level.  Student engagement in using this tool was high and really brought together the Geographic principles and concepts of liveable and sustainable communities that had been taught!


QR Codes are easy to use and free.  It's a wonderful way to introduce students to Augmented Reality.  Creating a QR Code is very quick.  This may not be an option at some schools as students need access to a device (tablet or smartphone) to access the QR code.  They will also need to upload an original video in order to create a QR code.  A wonderful tool for any Google school.  Applications for both student projects and teaching tools are endless. 


Blippar is a very cool tool.  Students found it easier to use than Aurasma.  Students can add animations, audio, video, websites, phone numbers, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, SoundCloud, and Spotify to Blippar.  It has a 3D option and is easy to scan.  However, a student work can only have a couple of links as multiple links don't work.  Also, images need to be downloaded and can't be simply dragged and dropped.  Some definite educational application with Blippar! 


Google Expeditions provides educators with the ability to take students to places without ever leaving the classroom.  Students download the Google Expedition app onto their cell phones.  The teacher leads the "expedition" while students follow along with their cellphones inserted into the Virtual Reality Smartphone Headsets.  For this particular lesson, the students were being introduced to physical geography, and I was able to show them the tundra of Canada's North and the Rocky Mountains in western Canada.  As I pointed out evidence of tectonic plate and glacial movement, students were able to follow along in a virtual reality experience.  A few students complained of dizziness from the VR and some said they didn't particularly enjoy it.  However, at the end of the 10 minute lesson, students all knew what tundra and mountains looked like and could identify the effects of glaciers and tectonic plate movement.  I will definitely be utilizing this resource again in the future.


Students find Thinklink different, fun, and engaging.  It allows students to create interactive images, videos and 360 content quickly. The editor function an easy-to-use and straightforward software that is easy for students to follow.  It provides students with organized templates to follow.  Our class found it particularly helpful in order to create a small annotated presentation about a specific topic.  The program also contains multiple exemplars to give students inspiration in their own creations.