Flipped Classrooms with Sophia


January 12, 2018

I've been hearing a lot about flipped classrooms in the last couple of years and wasn't completely sure what that would look like.  A friend recommended www.Sophia.org as a way to quickly learn about a flipped classroom.  With four easy lessons, I was able to create a Flipped Classroom video.  It was really quite easy! I definitely see the advantages to running a flipped classroom: It would allow me considerably more time with students guiding them through ideas and activities.  I also see the disadvantages: lack of access to technology at home or a class that doesn't regularly do their homework. If they didn't prepare for class, students would miss the lesson and not understand what is happening in class.  In terms of time that it took me to prepare a flipped lesson, it wasn't bad. I used a presentation that we already use for Grade 9 geography and recorded the first part in Screencast-o-matic and then uploaded it to my YouTube channel.

Elizabeth Leeson